
সেরা ১৩ টি গজল | মিজানুর রহমান আজহারী | Mizanur Rahman Azhari Gojol | The best 13 songs

2020-02-27 350 Dailymotion

সেরা ১৩ টি গজল | মিজানুর রহমান আজহারী | Mizanur Rahman Azhari Gojol | The best 13 songs

Top 13 Songs Mizanur Rahman Azhari | Mizanur Rahman Azhari Gozal
# Ghazal # Mizanur_ Rahman
#মিজানুর রহমান আজহারী গজল
#mizanur rahman azhari gojol

** This Gazal By Mizanur rahman azhari. Mizanur Rahman Azhari is a Bangladeshi islamic Person.

Mizanur Rahman Azhari Gojol | Mizanur Rahman Azhari Song | Mizanur Rahman Azhari Islamic Song | Bangla Gojol | Bangla Gaan | Bangla Music | Bangla Islamic Song | Bangla Gazal | Azhari Gojol | Islamer Rasta Islamic Song
Mizanur Rahman Azhari's 13 new Islamic songs together

১. Give me God Omar Daraj again .....
2. Rasul my love Rasul hopes my light ....
৩. Establish prayer, establish prayer, you will be honored ....
৪. The first day I heard the song in my father's face ...
৫. Tahajjud's gyanamayana to die ...
৬. May God not judge me by daily haste ....
৭. Lord, make me a house next to you in Paradise .....
৮. We are in no time ……
৯. May I die from the path of faith ...
১০. Lord, you said that you will not be a messenger .....
১১. Ink the leaves of the tree by inkling the sea water ...
12. Listen, listen to my prayers ....
১৩. Ogo Rasool Favorite Rasool Prana Rasool ......
১৪. Come to the courtyard of the Quran Come in peace ...
১৫. Holy Quran will not be lost in the world ......
১৬. Do you not listen to the tune of the mirror, do you not understand the call of guidance?
১৭. In sha Allah
১৮. Boy is my man a good officer .......
১৯. I don't know if the world knows ...